Which City Has The Best Casinos?

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Traveling around the world looking for the best gambling cities has all the right ingredients for a memorable adventure. The most impressive buildings and the most luxurious gaming rooms, the best entertainment, and the biggest jackpots.

The true atmosphere and movie-like moments may be enough to get most hearts pounding, but with such a great offer available worldwide, where would you even start?

The author Martim Nabeiro (more about him overview here) packs his bags and takes us on a tour around the globe that includes some of the most impressive gambling casinos ever created. These cities offer far more than exciting gambling, so it’s better to pack heavy as you may be tempted to stay for longer than you planned for.

Macau, China

The now Chinese territory was part of Portugal for almost five centuries. It earned a solid reputation as the Asian gambling capital of the world, and has quickly become a pure casino city by definition, attracting millions of visitors every year.

Its status has been under scrutiny for recent years with the rapid growth of online gambling. Renowned platforms such as casino Betano have put their fair share of pressure on what is a rapidly changing industry. Yet, much due to the pedigree of the city, its close link to Portuguese culture and history, and for being an overall exciting place to visit, many players still prefer to feel the game in their own hands.

Finding the ultramodern world of a casino and stepping into a street that shouts traditional Chinese is incredible, but when you throw in some Portuguese colonial buildings and atmosphere to the city, the cocktail is a unique one indeed.

Macau took the front seat in the Chinese economic boom. Its now unrecognizable skyline starts to slowly put it as a contender to become the largest gambling city in the world.

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Supercars, supermodels, super yachts. Anything that says Monte Carlo shouts out “casino city” in close association with many of the countless fortunes that find shelter in this little oasis in the south of France.

The principate has been for many decades a haven for the wealthy, finding much of its expression in the Monte Carlo Casino. Luxurious and iconic, there isn’t anything like it worldwide. Royalty, celebrities, and commoners alike have walked its grounds, differing only on the stakes.

Visiting Monte Carlo and not checking out this institution is very much like visiting Rome and missing the Pope. If anything, Monte Carlo serves as a living example of how “the other half” lives. A very exclusive half, that is, but yet with plenty of fun activities waiting.

Las Vegas, USA

Speaking of the best casinos in the world and leaving Las Vegas out would be unforgivable. Surely the largest gambling city in the world and where most casino fans pinpoint the origins of their fun, making for an immediate association between the word casino  and this iconic location in the state of Nevada in the United States of America.

Amongst the neon-fuelled city and wedding chapels are some of the most impressive casinos ever built in number and size, making this one of the cities with most casinos in the world.

For many years, Las Vegas casinos have provided not only the utmost gambling experience anyone can find, but also a level of entertainment that sees no comparison. The greatest names of music, comedy, and acting pay tribute to this incredible city permanently. Regardless of the time, you come around, an unmissable show will be calling out to you.


The ultramodern state-city of Singapore is unmissable for many reasons, with the Marina Bay being just one – yet a rather impressive. The Marina Bay Resort is a city attraction in its own right and plays its part right by putting the small Asian state in the list of the best gambling cities in the world. The social media gurus ensure a photo in the rooftop pool is mandatory, but it’s casino is nothing short of spectacular.

The melting pot of cultures that makes Singapore unique is a mixture of modern skyscrapers and British colonial buildings. Under this incredibly developed society lives a taste for gambling that will tempt any visitor for a fun spin.

Finding your place in the gambling universe may be reconsidered after visiting a few of these spots, some of which amongst the cities with most casinos in the world. More than their casinos, these are incredible examples of variety and flair for life. From incredibly luxurious to ultra-modern, without forgetting the roots of casino gambling, there’s something ideal for everyone here – even those that don’t care much for casino games.