After its debut in 1990 the show Twin Peaks became a sleeper hit. Created by writer and producer Mark Frost and director David Lynch, the show quickly became a sensation and due to its unique atmosphere and an unparalleled sense of mystery, it soon became a dominant force in modern pop culture. Frost is known for penning flicks like The Greatest Game Ever Played, Fantastic Four, Storyville, The Believers, and more. By the time he made Twin Peaks, Lynch was already known for movies like Blue Velvet and Dune, albeit he continued to influence the world of cinema with achievements like Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, and others.
It’s been 27 years after we’ve seen Agent Cooper for the first time on screens, and now Mark Frost and David Lynch are preparing to release a brand new Twin Peaks TV series for Showtime, developed and written by both Lynch and Frost, and directed in its entirety by Lynch.
The Twin Peaks Have Names
Did you know that the famous mountain ‘Twin Peaks’ were named? David Lynch has drawn a map of the entire area, and according to his work, the peaks are called “White Tail Mountain” and “Blue Pine Mountain.” When you watch the old shows, you can see the peaks of Mount Si in North Bend, Washington, which is the location where most of the show’s exteriors were filmed.
Original Characters Making A Comeback
Ever since the new Twin Peaks was announced, people have been wondering which of the old characters are going to return, and which new ones are going to be brought in. While plot details remain under wraps, it was already uncovered that numerous characters from the original show are going to return this time around, which of course denotes good, old Special Agent Dale Cooper (played by Kyle MacLachlan). “Those who want to see old faces, and those would like to see new faces, none of them will be disappointed,” said series writer Mark Frost.