11 Questions For ESPN College GameDay Analyst Kirk Herbstreit

4. Will the playoffs and the absence of computers eliminate CFB controversy?
We’re still going to have controversy. Even with eight teams we’re going to have controversy. Last year was a great example. You had Florida State at number one, Auburn at number two, Alabama at number three and then the debate for number four was Michigan State and Stamford. Both were deserving. They ended up playing in the Rose Bowl. But, even with this system, somebody would’ve been left out.

5. Do you experience a lot of volatility as an objective commentator?
If you’re saying something great about their school, then you’re the greatest person in the world. If you’re saying something bad about their school, you’re the worst person in the world. I think that the playoff system will be a huge step in the right direction. There should be a huge groundswell of excitement for this. But, to think that the controversy or frustration will go away? I don’t think that’ll ever be the case.

6. Are the governing bodies ready for what’s ahead?
I personally think that right now, they’re ready for the controversy. And they seem ready for what’s going to come. And they seem very confident and comfortable with it being at four.