8 Songs About Cities That
Don’t Deserve Songs

songs about cities that don't deserve songs neil young don't be denied#8. “Don’t Be Denied” | Neil Young (1973) | Listen: Time Fades Away & Where The Buffalo Roam (Two on One / Digi-Pack) CD ($50 CD @ Amazon.com)

“When we got to Winnipeg / I checked in to school / I wore white bucks on my feet / when I learned the golden rule / The punches came fast and hard / lying on my back / in the school yard.”

Winnipeg, if you’re not familiar with it, is in Manitoba. Which is in Canada. In other words, Winnipeg makes Minnesota look like Fiji. And besides, if you’re going to venture to Canada, why the hell would you go to what’s apparently the one place in the country with violent Canadians?