College Bowl Games You Need To See — And Avoid

At first glance, these games don’t offer much. But when you take a closer look…

Fiesta Bowl (Connecticut-Oklahoma): Hold the phone — UConn has a football team? Well, they may not anymore after the Sooners pummel them like a Pop Warner squad.

Gator Bowl (Mississippi State-Michigan): If Michigan trails at all during this game, Rich Rod may be handed a pink slip right there on the field.

Poinsettia Bowl (Navy-San Diego State): If Navy finds their sea legs on offense, they’ll sink the Aztecs. However, if San Diego State finds a way to capsize the Midshipmen, then … oh forget it, we don’t even care who wins.

Pinstripe Bowl (Kansas State-Syracuse): Playing the game at Yankee Stadium should have some novelty for about one quarter. After that you can go back to wondering where in the ballpark A-Rod did Kate Hudson.

Outback Bowl (Florida-Penn State): We love Joe Paterno. However, we also love this hilarious “interview” with him. Scary fact: It’s from 1953.