When you are taking someone who could be a very important part of your life out for your very first date, you may be feeling some stress. You want to take them out some place that will be delicious, quiet (yet social), and special, so make sure that you consider what your options might be for that first date dinner.
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First, avoid eating at any place that matches the ethnicity of your date unless they recommend it. This is just a recipe for an awkward evening, especially if you end up at a place that they can tell isn’t authentic.
Second, consider food in an interesting location. If you live in a town that has a dining on a river boat, this can take your date from ordinary to outstanding. Rotating restaurants are a bit cliche, but there’s a reason that people like them.
Third, consider eating at home. If you have a home and a kitchen to be proud of, consider showing them off a little. When your date sees that you can cook, and when they see how hospitable you can be, you’ll find that you can rise impressively in their estimation.
Remember to always ask about sensitivities, allergies, and diet restrictions. The last thing you want is take your date to a place where they’re stuck with the crackers. This can also earn you lots of points for being sensitive.
ALSO: How to Date a Vegetarian