The Best Shampoos For Men With Thinning Hair

The Best Shampoos For Guys With Thinning Hair NioxinNioxin ($29 @

One of the first hair growth shampoos on the market, Nioxin claims to offer refuge for three out of four balding men in the U.S. when used in conjunction with their scalp treatment. If the actual results are even half that, this may just be the best shampoo for men and as close to a hair loss cure as we’ve got.

“Nioxin is designed to improve the scalp health environment as well as improve the appearance of fine and thin-looking hair,” Dorin says.

There are eight specially crafted treatment systems to choose from, and here’s where you need to be honest with yourself. Are we talking Vince Vaughn or is it more of a Jason Alexander situation (circa Seinfeld)? If it’s the latter, it might be a bit far-fetched to expect to look like Jason Alexander (circa now).