So you finally made it and invited your love interest for a date. Congratulations! Now comes the hard part when you have to create a plan for your rendezvous.
If you want to follow through with a successful date, you might be a little stressed out. Although it is perfectly normal, now is the time to act, not to worry. Creating a perfect date is in your grasp, but it requires you to think about your next steps carefully.
When you have run out of ideas or want to try something new to impress the girl you met, we are here to help. Contrary to popular belief, buying the most expensive wine and food on the menu when in a restaurant isn’t the best strategy.
In this article, we list a few tips that will help you create an unforgettable first date. Here is what you need to do:
Plan Your Date
As the first impression is the most important, you need to put a lot of thought into your date. The trick is to find something that will impress your love interest at first sight.
For example, if you know your girl likes architecture, suggest going to the most impressive building in town. If she is a foodie, you can take her to one of the best restaurants in town. Obviously, you want to be authentic and believe that your date will be impressed by this, but it is also crucial to think about your date’s experience.
Be Punctual
To be honest, this tip is straightforward, but there are so many people who forget about it when they want to impress someone. When you invite your date for a date, show her how much you appreciate her time by being on time. It is polite and shows that you respect her, which will be very attractive to her.
Take Her Outdoors
Indoor dates are great for winter and rainy days, but try taking your date outside to play in the park or go for a picnic. You do not have to leave the town at all – just bring your date to a park or a forest. It is a great way to get closer without spending too much money. Plus, you will learn more about each other’s interests and hobbies while enjoying the great outdoors.
Be Relaxed
If you are not a fan of making plans and prefer not to plan your date, we do not blame you. However, you still need to remember to stay relaxed and to enjoy every minute of your date. If you keep stressing out about what to do next or how the date will look, it is obvious that the girl will notice it and get bored eventually. Therefore, relax and enjoy the process!
Talk About Your Date
It is one of the essential tips on how to impress a girl on the first date. If you want your date to be successful, you need to talk about it beforehand. By asking your friends for their opinion or simply asking her what she would like to see or do during your date, you will feel confident with your choice and will not worry too much about its details. It will also show that you actually care about how the date will look. Some consider it as a weakness, but it comes with more pros than cons.
Be Original
Most modern women are bored with traditional dates and usually prefer something different and original. Even if your date does not like the idea of the first date as much as you do, she will surely remember it forever and appreciate that you did something special for her as long as both of you enjoy yourselves. We recommend looking online for some exciting date ideas.
Be Honest
You must be honest on your first date with someone new because it is crucial that she understands what she can expect from your potential future relationship together. Even if she does not ask directly whether she can expect another date from you (and most likely she won’t), make sure that she understands that this was a great experience for both of you. Another thing is that honesty on a first date can create trust between two people, which is extremely important for any kind of relationship in general.
Final Note
Inviting the girl you like on a date is one thing. The other is ensuring she has a good time during it. And that usually causes the most trouble. After all, you only have one chance to make the first impression, and you probably want everything to work perfectly.
Unfortunately, that is not always the case. You probably have experienced a fair share of disastrous first dates yourself. The tips we mentioned above should help you impress any girl when on the first date and ensure you won’t fail the next time you invite the girl you like to go on a date with you.