How To Humanely End A Relationship That’s Clearly Run Its Course

breaking it off

Stay Confident, Honest and Direct
It’s important to persevere and that also means standing by your statement, firmly without tap-dancing too much around the topic. It is better to be confident about your efforts to break up, as opposed to being wishy-washy, thus postponing what clearly needs to be done. Breaking up is really the best solution for both of you and while it will be very hard to bear, it’s has become an inevitable next step, so you can move on with your lives. Another important thing is to be grateful for every minute you guys had, even if it was a short relationship that lasted only a couple of months. There are very good reasons why it’s clearly not working, so you need to zero-in on those reasons. If it was a long-term relationship, be sure to take your time and figure out what you’re gonna say before you say it. You know how she reacts to most things, so be careful and considerate.

Next: Suck it Up, Buttercup