How To Humanely End A Relationship That’s Clearly Run Its Course

Unhappy couple

How To Break Up With Her Like A Human Being (Not a Dick)

Serious relationships are hard work. That said, having a serious relationship that’s in trouble is an even bigger challenge to deal with. If you end it, it’s going to emotionally bleed you dry for a bit. If you don’t, it’ll bleed you dry emotionally and in every other way possible. It’s lose-lose, but can eventually turn into a win-win situation for both parties if it’s the right thing to do.

According to a 2015 study, conducted, by Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, women are more likely to experience emotional pain and even physical pain when they end a relationship. The research was carried out on that subject with over 5,000 participants from 96 countries, and that included both gay and straight partners. So, for instance, on a scale of pain from 1 to 10, women rate breakup anguish at 6.84, on average, compared with 6.58 in men.

Bear in mind that breaking up with someone should always be done once you’ve carefully weighed out your options, and asked yourself if you are truly happy and if you can keep the person next to you happy.

Next: Are You Sure You Want to End the Relationship?