The Best Places To Meet Women (According To Science)

Yoga at a Gym

If you’re not having luck swiping right on Tinder or you need a break from online dating, we hawked some studies to find where single women hang out and more broadly, the best places to meet women. According to science, here are a handful of places you can increase your odds of finding single women …

#1. Through Your Friends’ Friends
Okay so it’s not a place per se, but it’s a place you can mine. A 2012 Stanford University study found that nearly one-third of couples meet through friends. How do you organically pull this off if you’re not into asking to be hooked up? Plan a house party. If you can’t do it at your home or apartment, maybe one of your friends will be up for it. From there you can mention that you’re looking to find someone to date (don’t say “hookup with”) and see if your friend namedrops anyone. The issue, of course, is that if it doesn’t work there could be some awkwardness, so tread carefully.

Also: 8 Things That Turn Women On

#2. At Work
The same Stanford study found that 10 percent of people met their spouse at work. Which means if you’re unemployed you have another reason — aside from your landlord being all dicky about you missing yet another goddamn rent payment — to find a job. Although you’re supposed to dress for the job you want and not the job you have, we totally understand slacking on your dress code from time to time. Hell, we work in an office where guys wear shorts on the regular. However, if it’s an excuse to put some effort into your dress code or rethink your apparel or appearance, it’s a good idea whether you land a date or not.

#3. Take A Yoga, Zumba, or Pilates Class
Picking up at one of these classes or at the gym can be tricky, but science tells us that this is where women like to spend free time. Research from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that men prefer sport and strength activities while women prefer aerobics, dance, and yoga. Not only will taking a dance, yoga, or pilates class be something new for you — we’re guessing you don’t regularly downward dog — it’ll be something new and put you into position to meet new people. Read: women.

Also: How To Win Over Her Friends

#4. Volunteer
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, women volunteer more than men (28 percent and 22 percent, respectively). What do they do most? Food distribution, fundraising, and teaching. Check or for ideas. In fact, consider doing that regardless — even if no women are there.

Also: When Should You Contact Her After Your First Date?

#5. Go Back Onto the Interwebs
Not to point out the obvious, but the truth is, according 2013 research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, more than 1/3 of new marriages start online. The study surveyed more than 19,000 people that got hitched between 2005 and 2012 and found that 45 percent met on online dating sites. Simply create a dynamic profile on a site like to begin your journey toward romantic happiness. Another interesting tidbit from the study: those relationships that started online turned out to be happier than ones that didn’t. Might want to fire up that Tinder app about now.

#6. Traditional Approaches

One way to meet women is by attending social events like parties or gatherings with friends and family. This is one of the most common ways that people meet their future partners and can be a great opportunity for making new connections. Additionally, attending networking events or joining clubs or organizations related to your interests can also be effective for meeting women who share similar values and goals as you do. Don’t forget about traditional dating sites either; they may not be as popular as they once were, but they still provide an opportunity for those looking to find love.