#3. Volcom Men’s Freakin Snow Pant ($150 @ Amazon.com)
It can be hard to find a happy medium between, say, the skinny pants Shaun White recently rocked in the X Games — they were so tight we could practically confirm whether he’s a natural redhead —and the baggy leg wear favored by park rats. Well, check out the Bourne pant. The top-of-the-line offering from Fera, they’re built from 10k fabric and feature welded seems and waterproof zippers to keep you dry. A steal at $150, the added bonus here is that nobody will be able to tell if you’re the victim of cold-weather shrinkage.
#4. Smith Vantage Helmet ($100 @ Amazon.com)
People now know that concussions occur pretty much as often as touchdowns during football games, but the only time you hear about the huge threat of head injuries on the slopes is when a celebrity buys it. So we’re here to tell you to protect your noggin — and that you can’t go wrong doing it with the Smith Vantage. Thanks to its low profile, it fits easily under a hood — and 21 vents make sure your skull doesn’t overheat.