Study: Guys Pay Less Than Women For The Same Products

shaving cream

Studies show women are paid less for doing the same jobs as men — and now new research shows that women pay more for the same products as guys do. In other words, the next time your GF needs to pick up some shampoo, shaving cream, or razors, maybe you should point her to the “Men’s Grooming” isle. No, to help her smell as woodsy as you, but because it’ll save her some coin. Data from New York City’s Department of Consumer Affairs compared the prices of over 800 items that had distinct versions for men and women and found that ladies pay an average of seven percent more for female-specific products compared to the male-specific version of the same product. The bottom line: women wind up spending thousands of dollars more for the same stuff.

The highest amount was a 13 percent increase in female versions of personal care products. Eight percent was the amount for adult clothes and senior health products. The study also found that women’s products cost more than men’s 42 percent of the time. The amount paid for a product was equal about 40 percent of the time, while men paid more only 18 percent of the time.

The DCA’s report said:

“While DCA’s study does not estimate an annual financial impact of gender pricing for goods, the findings of this study suggest women are paying thousands of dollars more over the course of their lives to purchase similar products as men.”

In certain cases, such as with shaving razors or children’s bike helmets, the products are almost completely identical, but the female version costs more. An example from Target showed an identical children’s scooter had a $25 price difference — a basic red scooter with no gender identification cost $24.99, while a pink scooter labeled as a girl’s scooter, cost $49.99. The scooters were the same brand and identical, save for the labeling and color. The scooters were the same brand and identical, save for the labeling and color.  So, no flames on the sides, no supercharger, no Bose stereo — nada. It was the exact same.

Another example was for five-blade Schick razors. The men’s cartridges cost $14.99 while the women’s cost $18.49.

We already told you how you can help her out. As for how you can save coin, when it’s time to get her a gift or president, shop in the guy’s section. Then use the rest on something important, like another round at happy hour.


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