The Staple: M&Ms Plain (1/4 cup = 210 calories/9 fat grams)
The Swap: Mike and Ike Original Fruits (1/4 cup = 140 calories/0 fat grams)
The Savings: Those afternoon hunger pangs can hit hard, but next time you reach for those little guys that melt in your mouth, pause for a second. The chewy fruity ovals that are Mike & Ikes are a better option when it comes to trying to shed some pounds. Note: you can go for any flavor – Hot Tamales, Berry Blast or Lemonade Blends. All pack the same caloric punch.
The Scoop: Trying to justify your chocolate indulgence by clinging to news reports that it’s good for your health? Nice try, but it’s only dark chocolate containing 65 percent or higher cocoa content that does the trick. If you’re throwing calorie caution to the wind and looking for a viable grocery store brand, Ghirardelli Dark Squares will do the trick.
Next: This ain’t your lonely uncle’s TV dinner