15 Easy Food Swaps That’ll Make You Healthier

clam chowder canned soup diet weight loss foodsThe Staple: Chunky New England Clam Chowder (1 can = 460 calories/26 fat grams)

The Swap: Chunky Manhattan Clam Chowder (1 can = 260 calories/7 fat grams)

The Savings: If you have a hankering for clam soup, don’t be a chowder head, go for the much healthier Manhattan recipe, which isn’t cream-based and is less fattening than its New England cousin. Can’t fight the urge? Indulging in Chunky’s Healthy Request New England Clam Chowder instead of the original will save you 200 calories and a whopping 20 grams of fat. Oh, and it has 45 percent less sodium.

Next: Salt licks are for livestock, not a strapping young gent such as yourself